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The word Express by its very nature means to communicate or to participate. It’s all about taking What’s in your Heart and using What’s in your Hand to make a difference in someones life.  At Fresh Start our Mission is to Connect the Love of Christ to the Heart of our Community.  That is the deepest Expression of faith possible. To express the love you’ve received from God to others.

2 Corinthians 3:2 You yourselves are our letter (tale), written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.

Your life is an Epic tale that has the ability to change someone else’s life. So, get off your beach, live it, tell it, and share it wherever you go.
After your r12 Group, you will learn how to become a Contagious Christian.
God didn’t save you to keep it to yourself.  His word says we are to go and make disciples.  If you’re like most people, sharing Christ with others is scary and takes a lot of courage.  You’ll learn through this last step in the Journey that your purpose is to reproduce yourself in other people.  To become a contagious Christian.
Becoming a Contagious Christian is a groundbreaking, personalized approach to relational evangelism. You will discover your own natural evangelism style, how to develop a contagious Christian character, to build spiritually strategic relationships, to direct conversations toward matters of faith, and to share biblical truths in everyday language. This landmark book presents a blueprint for starting a spiritual epidemic of hope and enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel.
Becoming a Contagious Christian will be a 6 week study.  You’ll learn how to use the relationships you already have to share your faith in Jesus.  You’ll also learn how to articulate your story so you can share what Jesus has done in your life to others.
Contagious Christian is for those that want to move beyond the head and the heart and give God what’s in their hand to be used by Him.  If you’ve Explored God and are Experiencing Him in your life, it’s time to learn how to Express Him to make a Kingdom impact.
Contagious Christian is the third step on the Journey at Fresh Start.  Contagious Christian Groups will begin as people walk through the Explore and Experience steps and move together into Express and the Becoming a Contagious Christian study.
Contagious Christian does have a book and study guide that you can purchase in the Fresh Start bookstore.  These will help you get the most from the study.
Learn more about each step of the Journey by clicking the icons below.
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