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Our nursery environment is designed for kids 6 weeks to 3 years old.  The nursery is open for all of our weekend services in the main Worship Center.  Your child will be cared for by people who love children and love God and have gone through our screening process.  There is also a mother and infant care room for nursing mothers to attend to their babies.


Our preschool environment hosts kids age 3 thru kindergarten. We follow a large group/small group model.  Kids will start off in their age-appropriate classrooms and then worship and learn together as a large group. We use Elevate Jr. curriculum that allows kids to learn outstanding truths about God’s word in relationship to their own life stage.


Our Elementary Ministry is a high energy environment specifically for kids 1st through 5th grade. During the service they play games, sing worship songs and most importantly learn about God through his word, then they break off into small groups that are separated by age. There they memorize verses, talk about the Bible story and do activities with their small group leader.

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