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Being a LOOP Leader at Fresh Start Church is a great way to live life in community with others.  You’ll meet new people, laugh some, eat some, and grow closer to each other as well as closer to God
Check out the FAQs below and then Fill out the form to let us know that you’re interested in finding out more about being a LOOP Leader.  We’ll even train you and help you get started.


When do LOOPs meet?

LOOPs can meet any day of the week, any time of the day. It really is based on your schedule and when you’d like to host your LOOP. Once you click the button that you’re interested, you’ll be asked which days and times work best for you. The only times we ask LOOPs not to meet is during our weekend service times.

What does a LOOP Leader do?

A LOOP Leader is someone who is willing to help others connect in a safe place where people can be who they are and learn and grow with other likeminded people. The focus of the LOOP is centered around a discussion of the Bible and what is being taught on a weekend at Fresh Start Church. A discussion guide will be provided with questions that the LOOP Leader will facilitate when they meet. Overall, it’s a chance to connect and form friendships and bonds with others just like you.

Do I have to commit for the rest of my life?

Leading a LOOP doesn’t mean you have to sign your life away!  LOOPs begin in mid-September and take a break for the summer in mid-June.  To keep the connection and community going, we ask that you commit to a one year period of time.  Of course, you’ll take breaks around major holidays like Christmas and Easter so you can take a breather.

What steps are there to being a LOOP Leader?

If you think leading a LOOP might be for you, please click the button below and give us some more information. Since you’ll be leading others, we do ask that you’ve been attending the church for at least a year and are involved in other aspects of the church like volunteering, giving and attending on a regular basis. Once we receive the form submission, we’ll be in touch to chat further about the LOOP you’d like to launch!

To get started on the process of leading a LOOP at Fresh Start, just click the button below and give us a little bit of information.  We’ll be in touch about your next steps towards helping others live out our purpose in community by leading a LOOP.

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